
Sunday, July 25, 2010

ICE challenge quilt

Here's a few shots of the absolutely fabulous ICE quilt I received, made by Debbi
First, a reminder of what I sent in:

And the wonderfulness I received back:


Happy bee buttons buzzing up to the flower, a way-cool tree (complete with appliquéd knots in the trunk), and red round and apple-shaped buttons in the tree:

The 3-D clothesline made of ribbons with the tiniest pins you've ever seen. Doesn't that sun just make you smile? Look at those awesome quilt squares!

A picnic bench with basket, felted mama ladybug and button babies, and my favorite (of course!) Bacon Then Eggs for lunch! How personalized and outrageous is that??

Thanks, Debbi, for all the thought, care, and creativity you put into this quilt!


  1. This is beyond cute!!!!!!! And so so perfect for u, Mrs, D!!!!!!! I want her to be my friend!

  2. Boy she has you pinned miss bacon. Love all she has done with the original.

  3. That bacon and eggs just nailed the whole quilt even though it would have been awesome without it.

  4. that is some ridiculously cute stuff. :) Great work! Love the bacon and eggs (though it's making me hungry). ;)


Thoughts become things...choose good ones♥