
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good feeling, won't you stay with me just a little longer...(Violent Femmes)

I’ve been trying to explain to Agent J that life is better (and better) when you concentrate on the good stuff. This is no easy feat because you have to keep your thoughts positive. For example, if work is getting you down because you’re forced to work with people who are gossip hounds, keep repeating something to the (positive) effect of “I work in a comfortable, supportive environment.” I know, it’s easier to think “Make these backstabbing knobs take a hike” but that’s not a positive take on the situation. Yes, WAY easier said than done, especially when the knobs are talking about your hair, butt size, or planning to get you fired.

Okay, so I’ve been doing this for about the last 2 months. In addition, to be fair, my work environment is fabulous so no complaints there. But I have been trying to improve my general outlook and I have some health concerns that are in need of reversals. So, I wake up every morning and DECIDE that I am going to have a healthy, fulfilling day. Lo and behold, I have. I am thankful for all the good stuff that is happening to me, and it just keeps piling up.

Here’s what happened this week:

1. I won 2 bag patterns from Meg. Thanks, Meg! Visit her blog at

2. I won a custom-made fabric basket from Corky. Thanks, Corky! Visit her blog at

3. I won a purse-size first aid kit after participating in the local Community College Fitness Walk.

4. I just bought myself a new computer (received yesterday) and when I went online today, Hewlett Packard sent me an email about their “big sale” which included my new computer! So I called to see if I could get a price adjustment and found out that the one from the email has more working memory(extra 2GB) and hard drive memory(extra 140GB) for only $50 more. I decided to “exchange” the computer I just received and fork out the extra $50. But wait, I’m a teacher—any teacher discounts? Oh yes, to the tune of $66. So, the computer I will be receiving has more memory and cost me almost $20 less than the first one. Thanks, HP!

How awesome is that???

Gotta go……buy a lottery ticket!

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Thoughts become things...choose good ones♥